Employer Duties: How to Effectively Address Inappropriate Messages in Business

As an employer, one of your foremost responsibilities is to monitor txt messages and ensure responsible communications in the workplace. At some point, you might have encountered reports that an employee is being inappropriate to their coworker, prompting you to take action.

To help you effectively address these concerns and better monitor text messages in business, here are several helpful advice:

Tackle the Issue Promptly

Once you are made aware of inappropriate messages being sent at work, take action immediately. Ignoring this issue can only lead to more problems, creating a toxic and untrustworthy environment for the labor force.

Conduct a Thorough Investigation

Responsible employers know that gathering evidence is a substantial step in resolving the issue of inappropriate messages. Ensure that you have collected sufficient data from screenshots, call records, emails, and witness statements.

On one note, this step highlights the value of having message-archiving software. Message archivers instantly capture, record, and collect conversations in various communication platforms, giving you an extensive database useful for investigations.

Maintain Confidentiality

Amidst the mess, ensure the utmost confidentiality of the investigation and privacy of both parties. Doing so prevents unwanted gossip and upholds the integrity of the investigation.

Take Appropriate Action

Take the right disciplinary action based on the findings from the investigation. This could range from a warning to a termination, depending on the severity.

Preventing Future Mishaps

Dealing with inappropriate messages in the workplace can be messy and time-consuming, which is why it is best to minimize their likelihood of happening. Take advanced precautions by following these steps:

Review and Update Policies

A good rule of thumb is to ensure that your company’s policies in text message use are always up-to-date. Once you have reviewed and brought policies up to code, communicate them to your employees.

Use a Message Monitoring System

Never leave anything to chance; to better improve the safety of your company’s messaging platforms, use reliable message monitoring and archive software. Informing employees of such a tool alone can help deter unwanted behavior. 

Message Archives: An Indispensable Safeguard

Message archiving and monitoring tools are useful in more than just preventing inappropriate chats. These high-tech, advanced solutions are also used to maintain compliance with regulatory agencies like FINRA and provide evidence for e-discoveries and audits. 

If your company does not have a dedicated archive yet, consider getting one as soon as possible.

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