Things To Do When Looking For A Fit To Fly Certificate

Fit To Fly Certificate

It is imperative that you obtain a fit to fly certificate if you plan to travel abroad very soon. While there are some destinations where you do not necessarily need to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test, this is a requirement for most destinations. They need to make sure that the people that they are welcoming in the region are not going to spread the coronavirus amongst its people, which is something that the world is clearly trying to mitigate right now.

When you start looking for a fit to fly certificate, there are various questions you need to ask yourself. The first one is if a fit-to-fly certificate requires a COVID-19 test. Yes, most fit to fly certificates do require a COVID-19 test. There are some that may only require an antibody test while others require a full PCR test that is used to diagnose an active infection.

Before you go for a fit to fly test, you need to check the requirements of your destination. As PCR testing can take additional time to process, it is important to reach out to your local Passport Health about the availability to fit your destination’s time requirements.

Another question you need to ask yourself when you start looking for a fit to fly certificate is about the test that countries require for this certificate. It can depend, but the most common test required is a RT-PCR test which identifies 3 different genes in the disease. This test is widely viewed as the most comprehensive, currently available test right now.   If you take another test and the requirements of your destination say that you need a PCR test, it could create a problem.

For more tips on what to do when looking for a fit to fly certificate, visit our website at

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